Friday, December 27, 2013

My tryst with nicotine

Engulfed in a disarray of smoke,
an evil, wilderness awoken,
back into being, back in the present,
to thrive, to prove its might,
surviving with air, every second as it rises,
affecting the mind,
a smooth calm with darkness inside,
stronger and stronger, it kicks in,
heavier it gets with every pull,
known and understood by a few,
a momentary peace, shallow inside,
and never to stop again,

A relationship unbroken, 
ever rising smoke,
never ending ash and dust,
forged with every puff,
and stronger by every drag.....


  1. Awesomely articulate. So proud of you :)

  2. a silent promise to be a friend, a silent whisper that u hope will stay, for ever more is the dream to have that first drag again, and yet like the pot of gold at the end of the infinite rainbow, we may run forever and yet never get a glimpse, for the promise made was with the devil's own tongue, and while we loose sanity in its pursuit, loose faith in this trial, and beaten and broken we realise that we will never be the same again, and we finally learn the lesson of refrain
