Tuesday, January 8, 2013

couple of lines part-2

dont wander off with your thoughts to a completely whole new world where ur feelings will carry u away to a far far place where you will forget who u are, who others are, what u would actually do and what u would want to do....and thats when u will fail at one of the most important lessons that u need to learn these days...REALISATION....

people have their own way of thinking, their own thought process, their own perception which leads to their own meaning of the whole situation....when u stop for a second and think what others might have to say or feel then u will understand...as said in the movie 'V FOR VENDETTA', "if u see as i see, if u feel as i feel, and if u seek as i seek", the rest of the dialogue is for the movie but this part for ur life....see what others see, understand what they will feel, seek as they seek any situation or a circumstance...only then u will realise what is best for u and for ur loved ones around....until then u will be lingering in a vast empty darkness and u wont be doing justice to anything or anyone around u.....and believe it when u cant do that then its just gonna make u feel even bad becoz every second u will be hurting the person u love....

concrete ideas, behaviour and thoughts can change ur life and bring it to a whole new level....

society exists in a state where any random person will come upto u and tell u how best to lead ur life...as if u dont know whats good for you...and always remember there is nothing right and nothing wrong....when u make a decision it is either good for u or bad for u...good for others or bad for others in various permutation and combinations....dont try to think urself as someone great...there is always gonna be a role model for your life...if there is none then be your own role model...be a better role model for others to follow....u dont have to achieve big things in life...be a better human being...be compassionate, even animals are compassionate about their loved ones, about other animals around them and after multiple stages of evolution if ur ego and pride take the better of you then its just degrading the whole system and bringing the whole humanity down....

be a better human...lead a better life....care when its necessary...do whats good for you and what could be good for others....

all the best....

P.S : not trying to be another saint or a philosopher....just my opinion....think about what i wrote and decide for urself...its all in your hands.....

-with love

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