Sunday, October 5, 2008


I dont know why ppl dont create names and use them in different places ........

like there are so many letters and using permutation and combination it is said uncountable names can be generated...

well mostly all names have meaning in their own culture or language ...... some times related to stars, gods , angels, rishi etc etc ...
there are some ppl with names of demon too .....but we find them rarely.

sometimes i feel why are the
names given to ppl......but then its the only way to recognise some1 .....and whats there in a name is also a second question a man can all must be knowing what SHAKESPEARE had qouted ..... but the answer we get is sometimes humerous but sometimes really sensible.....

well for example consider the name of BHAGAT SINGH the first thing that strikes us is our freedom fighter, is it not becoz of the name and the things he has done that he is known ........
there are many more such examples like HITLER, etc etc

so the importance of name is hidden inside every name so we all need to take our names to higher levels and reach a place so that we earn fame with our name and ppl taking our examples everywhere else.....


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