Monday, October 26, 2009

To My Friends

If I had to pick but one thing
To take across the sea
I think I'd pick a good friend
To go along with me

A friend is more precious
Than any material thing
She can make you feel complete
And get your soul to sing

And when that friend and I
Set sail across that sea
We'll fear no squawl nor storm
Together strong we'll be

A friend is more grounding
Than an anchor or a rope
She can make you safe, secure
And fill your heart with hope

When I've crossed that sprawling sea
And stepped out on new land
I will not be a stranger there
I'll have my friend in hand

A friend is more rewarding
Than the treasures of that sea
She can give you wealth through love
Your spirit rich and free

If I had to pick but one thing
To take across the sea
I know I'd pick a good friend
To go along with me
Across the sea of friends


above poem may be just a combination of few lines to put it in the form of a verse.. or it may be the image of the thoughts sleepin deep inside my heart.. whateva it may be.. i had very good friends nd also had an experience of loosin my best pals.. so thot to pen down something about'em.. so.. this one dedicated to all my pals... and especially for a gal.. who has been very important in my life....

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