Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Well we all the week starts off with a sunday and then ends with saturday having monday, tuesday,wednesday, thursday and friday in it...........thats the seven days have u ever thought were we got these names from ??
y were these names kept for the weekdays ......

accodring to norse olden times in norse .....

Manadagr ----- means moon's day that is monday

tysdagr--------- means tyr's (One of the gods) day that is tuesday]

odinsdagr------ means Odin's day that is wednesday

thorsdagr------ means thor's day that is thursday

frjadagr------- means freyja's day that is friday

laugardagr----- means washing day that is saturday

sunnudagr------means sun's day that is sunday

this is according to the norse mythology......

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