Friday, May 9, 2008


Astaroth, the prince of hell ~~~ reffered to in "The Lesser Key Of Solomon" as a very powerful diety.Astaroth is depicted as a nude man with dragon-like wings, hands and feet, a second pair of feathered wings after the main, wearing a crown, holding a werpent in one hand, and riding a wolf or dog.

Well Astaroth had 4 main assistants AAMON, PRUSLAS, BARBETOS, RASHAVERAK..

AAMON was his favourite assistant, he had a knowledge of both past and the future.HE gives knowledge to those who have made pact with the satan.He has 40 legions of demons under his command ~~ depicted sometimes as an owl-headed or wolf-headed man with a serpent's tail.

Sometimes his name is associated with the egyptian god AMUN.or sometimes to the cathagian diety BA'AL HAMMON..


  1. Satan, aka "The Loser" will rot in hell forever and ever.

    Yeshua is Lord, Priest and King, forever and ever and ever and ever!

  2. christians are brianwashed.... SATAN ROCKS

  3. christians are indeed brainwashed cause they insist to believe something that had been written centuries ago and have bent to the will of everyone who could rule over the church.moreover, theistic satanology isn't new either.both of them have manuscripts on how to everything with their gods.people have the need to believe in something but behind that something there's always another human...

  4. forst u guys are completly nuts cose if i were to show u what i have to deel with u would shit your selves so quit trying so much and let if finde u fags!!

  5. Fuck that first comment

  6. Well if u ppl think that there is LORD then there should be SATAN equally or MORE ..... i hope u will agree that the evil in us is in more percentage than the good, so SATAN rocks :) everyone is a SATAN (crude evil meaning :P) in their own way
