Thursday, October 15, 2009

walk tall

courage and bravery is all that matters,
confidence and self esteem follow,
to make u get what u want,
u are not a slave ,
u r just like any1 else here,
dont look down as to bowing down to some1
walk tall and feel the dignity flowing
dont forget u r here for a task
finishing with the coolest attitude,
and the propers manners
build up ur character and self respect
be like u r the best amongst the rest,
success will come its way
just dont deviate from ur goals
wait for the right moment
select the right path
and whateva you do dont forget

always WALK TALL and
you dont have to bow to any1

- death angel

to all those people who look down and walk ....... dont be afraid ....... just believe in u for what u r and things will change automatically.....

have a nice day

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