Thursday, August 7, 2008

Hugin AND Munin

well crows.....what do u think of them when u first hear the word...??

crow is a mere bird which is black ......well this is not the answer if u refer mythology of NORSE ......

Huginn and Muninn, sometimes anglicised Hugin and Munin, are a pair of ravens associated with the Norse god Odin.
In Norse mythology, Hugin and Munin travel the world bearing news and information they have collected to Odin. Hugin is "thought" and Munin is "memory". They are sent out at dawn to gather information and return in the evening. They perch on the god's shoulders and whisper the news into his ears. It is from these ravens that the kenning 'raven-god' for Odin is derived.
Old Norse:
Huginn ok Muninn fliúga hverian dag
iörmungrund yfir;
óomk ek of Huginn, at hann aptr ne komit,
þó siámk meirr um Muninn.
The whole world wide, every day,
fly Hugin and Munin;
I worry lest Hugin should fall in flight,
yet more I fear for Munin.
Every morning the two ravens Huginn and Muninn, are loosed and fly over Midgard; I always fear that Thought may not wing his way home, but my fear for Memory is greater.


  1. Very good. I already knew the story but this summary sticks to the point!
    Go on!

    Hail to Odin

  2. Spot on-just what I was looking for-heres to the death of the slave GODS-NO GOD BUT MAN.
    Christopher Skolik
